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  • Writer's pictureCornhenge Missive Guy

The Parties of Incompetence

Updated: Apr 8, 2020

I stumbled into an op-ed in the Wallstreet Journal by Daniel Henninger entitled "The Incompetence Party." The tag line states "The Democrats’ biggest problem isn’t Bernie Sanders. It’s that many voters doubt the party’s ability to govern anymore."

Oh my, such proclamations cause my registered independent spider hairs to tingle with irritation. What a moronic position to take.

Remember the Republican promise to remake of Obamacare that extended over some 6+ years or that infrastructure initiative? Neither do I. Remember when Democrats were the sole big-spending crowd? Neither do I. Daniel, Daniel, Daniel, don't publish stupid headlines.

No one even slightly informed of current or historical political affairs can possibly suggest there is a paucity of bipartisan incompetence within Washington D.C. The "District" is hyper-saturated with incompetence. After all, the rest of us possessing a modicum of competence are working real jobs or endeavors. If "The Swamp" was drained, as someone promised in 2016, crystalline incompetence would thickly encrust the remaining mud and foliage. Hell, you could package it like sea salt and sell it into international markets. Due to the high demand for U.S. political stupidity, I'm confident such transactions would be tariff-free.

The failure to govern isn't isolated to just one party. Governance requires an ability and willingness to develop an aligned coalition to tackle pervasive problems, and both parties are woefully deficient in this regard. Anyone who thinks otherwise has spent too much time in their Facebook echo chamber.

P.S. Just to clarify, Bernie is the Democrat's biggest problem for the time being. Unless you want Trump re-elected.

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