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The Cornhenge Missives is a collection of short writings and opines spanning the experience and observations of an independent Old Dude romping about "flyover land."

All manner of ideas from an under-regulated stream of consciousness will be offered.

Politics, social phenomena, engineering, technical, and scientific domains

are all equal opportunity prey.
The periodic ruminations by the Old Dude are symptomatic of his hyperactive professional career that afflicted the education, utility operations, regulatory compliance,

and project management professions.

And no, the Old Dude isn't some ultra-rightwing commie socialist wacko nuthatch.

Au contraire, he's an independent-minded Old Dude who prefers thinking for himself and

drawing conclusions from a multitude of sources. You should try it.

And yes, he can seem crusty on the outside, while

simultaneously being crusty on the inside. 

Hopefully, this blog will be an informative source for its readers. 


© 2020 The Cornhenge Missives

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